Snow Business E-Shop




Do you need to recreate artificially one of these weather conditions when and where you want it?
We will assist you right from the places that you want until the making of the movie with the effects that you desire with an advanced technical equipment and certified with many years of experience of our engineers.
 Plant rain complete with stands or with rotating heads from above, 10,000 liter tanker with stainless system with double electric pump , great for shooting in direct drive, and motor.
Smoke machines of every size and type recreate fog effect over large areas or smoking environment sought for a photograph . Using liquid certificates.
A wide range of ventilators and electric motor allows us to recreate artificially from small breeze to a big wind storm.
Authorized dealers in Italy of the system and the products of the Snow Business Ltd, a global leader in the field of effects of winter. Our engineers are the only ones in possession of requirements and certifications issued by the mother English company. Be in training and up-grading courses , international conferences where exchange knowledge and experiences with the best technicians in the world.

Simulation of fire